
Changes to TAFE funding by the Victorian Government

In its recent May 2012 budget the State Government announced a series of changes to funding for vocational education and training (VET). We would like to assure you that Kangan Institute is committed to supporting you in navigating any possible impacts of these changes and will continue to meet our learners' educational and support needs to the best of our ability. What stays the same? Students continuing in the course they are currently enrolled in will not be impacted by these changes in 2012. Students enrolling in a diploma, advanced diploma or full-fee paying vocational graduate certificate may be eligible for the Australian Government loan scheme VET FEE-HELP. Eligible Indigenous students can continue to apply for a concession rate at all qualification levels. The tuition fee exemption is still in place for students enrolling into one of the following courses for the remainder of 2012: 1) Diploma of Children's Services (Early Childhood Education and Care) 2) Advanced Diploma of Children's Services Eligibility requirements for a government funded place remain in place. TAFE students will still be able to apply for a range of scholarships and grants. What will change from 1 July 2012? Kangan Institute will continue to offer the vast majority of its programs however a number of courses are no longer viable as a result of the funding cuts and will be discontinued from 2013. No new enrolments will be accepted for these courses. Click here to view the list of discontinued courses. Please be assured that existing students of these courses will be taught for the remainder of 2012 and affected students will be contacted and provided with support around completing their programs. Kangan Institute is currently working through the impact of the funding changes on 2013 course fees. Revised fees should be available later this year. Students who are aged 20 years or older and have completed year 12 or VCAL may now be eligible to access government funding to undertake training at a Certificate II level. Concession fees for students under 25 studying a diploma or advanced diploma course have been removed. Fixed concession fees for courses from certificate I to IV have been removed. Students eligible for a concession will now pay 20% of the hourly student tuition fee rate (yet to be determined). Skills Recognition fees will be subject to change (yet to be determined). Eligibility exemption places will no longer be available from 1 January 2013.

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