
Hume Multiversity Initiative

Kangan Institute

Kangan Institute is collaborating with Hume City Council and some of Australia's leading tertiary and vocational education institutions on a new project to bolster learning opportunities for students in Melbourne's north.

The Hume Multiversity project is the first of its kind in Australia and will see the Council - through its Hume Global Learning Village - partner with Kangan Institute, Deakin University and Victoria University to deliver a range of undergraduate courses from satellite sites across Hume. All parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 23rd November 2012 in commitment to the project which will allow local students to access further education opportunities, with enrolments now open to graduating secondary, mature-age students and those currently enrolled in diploma courses.

Hume Mayor Councillor Geoff Porter said that course delivery will be defined by the use of the latest technology, including tele-presence and video-conferencing. "Hume Multiversity is evidence of Hume City Council's commitment to providing lifelong learning opportunities for our community in our own backyard," Cr Porter said. "It is the first step in bridging the gap that our local students face - including distance and access to real public transport options.

It is exciting as it will help strengthen pathways to learning, employment and greater opportunities for local people to prosper and encourage and support maturing learners, build employment skills and build a platform to work."

The programs would be delivered from the Council's Hume Global Learning Centres in Broadmeadows and Craigieburn and Sunbury Neighbourhood House Minister for Higher Education and Skills Peter Hall welcomed the latest collaboration, sharing that the joint work of Hume City, universities and TAFE had great potential to improve the range of post-secondary education opportunities by bringing multiple providers together in one location.

"The Hume Multiversity project will encourage community learning and further build relationships between institutions across the Hume region and it provides the opportunity for students to have skills that are relevant to industry needs," Mr Hall said.

"The Victorian Government strongly supports collaboration of academia, business and industry, government and community organisations in creating mutual benefits for Victoria. These kinds of collaboration are at the heart of our refocused vocational training program."

From 2013 Kangan Institute will be working with Deakin University to deliver the Deakin at Your Doorstep program and will continue to work with Victoria University to offer guaranteed pathways for Kangan Institute students into Victoria University higher education bachelor degrees.

Kangan Institute CEO Ray Griffiths expressed his delight at being part of the new Multiversity Project. "Kangan Institute is delighted to be part of the Hume Multiversity initiative, we see this as a great opportunity to collaborate with Hume City Council and our education partners to develop positive, meaningful education pathways for the people of Hume," Mr Griffiths said.

Applications are welcomed from people without traditional qualifications, as well as from those entering higher education through a more formal route. For more information on the Hume Multiversity project visit

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