
Kangan Institute officially launches NEXT STEP initiative

15 to 19 year olds can now access a free and friendly youth service at Kangan Institute to seek support and advice on training options and pathways.

NEXT STEP was officially launched on Wednesday 18th July at the Broadmeadows campus as a dedicated service for local youth. The service aims to provide young people - especially those who are at risk of disengaging with mainstream schooling - with the necessary guidance to access vocational education and training that are most appropriate to their individual needs.

Kangan Institute CEO Ray Griffiths said the NEXT STEP initiative is poised to make a real difference to the lives of many young people, particularly in the Hume region where youth are still amongst the State's most disadvantaged. "As one of the state's largest providers of vocational education and training, Kangan Institute has a central role to play in pioneering change through education," he said.

"It's a well-known fact that the completion of secondary school qualifications and participation in further education are significant factors in positively influencing employment outcomes and quality of life." Kangan Institute offers a wealth of training options for youth, from VET in Schools to VCE, VCAL, pre-apprenticeship bridging programs and courses targeted at university preparation.

These programs are specially designed for individuals who prefer a hands-on training approach within an adult-learning environment. Speaking at the launch, former student Zeynep Tahmazoglu, shared some of the benefits of completing the VCE at TAFE which had helped her gain entry into the Bachelor of Management at Deakin University. "I completed Year 11 at Kangan Institute and loved it - I was treated like an adult and my education was my responsibility. The excitement of being able to do things on my own because I wanted to was amazing and constantly reminded me of why I loved learning," she said.

Zeynep completed Year 12 over two years whilst supporting her family through a difficult time. "I was looking after my disabled younger brother throughout all of Year 12 while studying at the same time. Without the flexibility that Kangan Institute offered, I wouldn't have been able to do this," she said. "It was a tough three years, but with the great support system at Kangan Institute and the wonderful teachers, I am now on my way to the life I always wanted for myself.

I can definitely say that this wouldn't have happened if I had attended my VCE schooling anywhere else. Kangan Institute helped me get my life on track." The NEXT STEP initiative is poised to help more young people achieve their learning goals.

Young people may drop by the new NEXT STEP office located at the Broadmeadows campus (building A) or call 13 TAFE (13 8233) and ask to speak to a NEXT STEP staff member.

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