
Lindsay Tanner secured as guest speaker for 8th Annual Reconciliation Week Luncheon

The Indigenous Education Centre (IEC) celebrated the 8th Annual Reconciliation Week Luncheon, on Friday 1st June 2012 on the ancestral lands of the Gunung Willam Balluk at the IEC, Kangan Institute Broadmeadows. The Reconciliation Week Luncheon is an important annual event for Kangan Institute and the local Indigenous community. This year, we secured respected former MP Lindsay Tanner. Lindsay held a diverse range of front-bench portfolio responsibilities as a Federal member of Parliament. These included transport, finance and communications before serving as the Federal Minister for Finance and Deregulation from 2007 to 2010. In addition to this, Lindsay has written extensively on economic and political issues, including four published books. We are very proud to have him on board as the guest speaker for the 2012 event. In 2011, the IEC was the largest public TAFE provider of Indigenous VET in Victoria, and for the second time in its history a recipient of the Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Incorporated's Wurreker Award for TAFE Institute. Other notable attendees of this event were Indigenous Community Elders, Executive and Senior Kangan Institute staff, The Mayor and Councilors from the City of Hume, staff of the Indigenous Education Centre and selected Indigenous students presently studying at the Centre. The event is proudly sponsored each year by Hume City Council, Broadmeadows Magistrate's Court and the IEC of Kangan Institute. For more information, please contact IEC Manager Linc Yow Yeh on 03 9279 2359.

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