
Site of new Kangan Institute Campus in Sunbury unveiled

Sunbury residents are one step closer to accessing quality TAFE facilities and courses close to home, with the location of Kangan Institute’s new campus announced.

Kangan Institute representatives were joined today by Minister for Skills and TAFE, and Regional Development Gayle Tierney MP, Member for Sunbury Josh Bull MP and Mayor of Hume Cr Naim Kurt at the site for the new Kangan Institute campus in Sunbury.

The site of the new campus spans almost 3,000 square meters at 7 Evans Street and 2-4 O’Shanassy Street in Sunbury, close to the town centre and public transport.   

Set to open in mid-2028, the $25 million Sunbury Campus will be transformative for the fast-growing area.

As the leading vocational education provider to Melbourne’s north-west region, Kangan Institute is experienced in working closely with local communities, industry and schools to address current and future skills needs through its training and skills.

The new campus will feature contemporary equipment and supportive teachers with real world experience. Courses are still in development, although likely to include digital technologies, early childhood education, community services, pre-apprenticeships and industry-specific short courses.

As an interim training option, Kangan Institute is already delivering courses at the popular Hume Global Learning Centre to meet the needs of the fast-growing Sunbury community. Courses currently include Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40122) and the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) Certificate I in EAL (Access) (22638VIC) and Certificate II in EAL (Access) (22639VIC).

Kangan Institute has a strong record of delivering capital projects on time and within budget to a leading industry standard, including the Broadmeadows Trades and Skills Centre ($6.8 million) and the Essendon Health Hub ($2 million). Recent projects also include the Broadmeadows Health and Community Centre of Excellence ($60 million).

The new Sunbury Campus will run as a satellite to Kangan Institute’s neighbouring Broadmeadows Campus and upcoming Melton Campus, which is also being delivered in partnership with the Victorian Government.

This news comes as Australia celebrates National TAFE Day on 10 September – a day to appreciate the achievements of our public TAFEs, which sit at the heart of vocational education and training in Victoria.  

Comments for attributing, Janelle Arena, Acting CEO Kangan Institute:

“We are thrilled to partner with the Victorian Government on this new Kangan Institute campus, expanding access to quality TAFE skills, training and facilities for Sunbury residents.

“Our deep experience in the north-west growth region, coupled with our existing capabilities, positions us to collaborate effectively with the local community, industry, and schools to address current and future skills needs.

“The Kangan Institute Sunbury campus will provide dedicated training for high-priority skill areas. This initiative, along with our upcoming Melton campus, will deliver crucial training opportunities to major growth areas, addressing critical skills shortages and contributing to a strong future workforce.”

View the Premier of Victoria's media release here.

More about Kangan Institute's current courses in Sunbury here.

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