
Top students celebrated at Kangan Institute

A single mother returning to education after 28 years, a self-driven hairdressing apprentice who moved from regional Victoria to Melbourne to pursue her dreams and an aspiring nurse who hopes to give back to her mob have been recognised amongst Kangan Institute’s top students.

More than 70 awards were presented at Kangan Institute’s annual Industry Excellence Awards Ceremony last night.

Kangan Institute CEO Sally Curtain said the ceremony was an opportunity to recognise the achievements, hard work and commitment of students and educators. 

“On behalf of Kangan Institute, I congratulate our award winners and nominees who have demonstrated excellence and dedication within their respective fields,” she said.

“I acknowledge the role of Kangan Institute teachers and staff who have supported our award winners to achieve success.

“I also highlight the role of our industry partners and the Victorian Government. Their support enables our TAFE to focus on providing high quality training aligned to industry and community needs.”

The overall Student of the Year Award was presented to Certificate IV in Community Services (CHC42015) graduate Wanda Sheppard. A single mother with three children, Wanda’s studies at TAFE marked her first time back in formal education since graduating from secondary school in 1994.

“Returning to school was a very big step for myself and my three beautiful children. Together as a family, we faced many challenges and a lot of late nights working on assessments after my daughters had gone to bed,” she said.

“But together, we made it work. Studying and adult learning became part of our family life. My daughters began to help more with housework, and in turn their own self-confidence grew.

“I took advantage of apps that assist with keeping me on track with schedules and meeting deadlines. The most important thing was to communicate with each other within my family, listen and support one another - this is what gave our family its balance.”

Wanda is continuing to pursue education with the Diploma of Community Services while volunteering at her local primary school. She is also pursuing registration to work within peer support programs for those battling addiction.

“It's not easy for people to ask for help, especially if they are an adult. This is why I would like to study and work in community services; it speaks to my heart. I believe asking for help is the bravest thing a person can ever do, and I would be honoured to hold their hand and support them,” she said.

Wanda’s future goals are to work in family and children's services, with a focus on family violence, child protection, alcohol and other drugs and community development.

Other major awards presented at the event include:


Apprentice of the Year:

Sarah Purcell

A work experience opportunity at a salon during Year 10 sparked Sarah's desire to work as a hairdresser. After secondary school, Sarah began a full-time apprenticeship and pursued the Certificate III in Hairdressing (SHB30416)

Last year, she moved away from her family in regional Victoria to move to Melbourne and further her hairdressing career. She attained a role at Joey Scandizzo Salon and took on opportunities to apply her hairdressing skills at state and national events including the Logies, Brownlow, Melbourne Fashion Week and Melbourne Cup.

Now fully qualified, Sarah hopes to travel and work overseas.

View video story here

Uncle Norm Hunter Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Student of the Year:

Alison Hafner

Alison hopes to build a career in healthcare so that she can help remote Aboriginal communities, starting with her mother’s community, the Kalkadoon community in Mount Isa.

She began working as an operating theatre technician, working with a surgeon specialising in facial and skull deformities in children. Through this, she gained experience in the field as well as inspiration to help children to access vital medical treatment and health care.

Five years later, she received a scholarship with the Australian College of Nursing to pursue the Diploma of Nursing (HLT54121) with Kangan Institute. The scholarship enabled her to study full-time, while also caring for her mother-in-law who has dementia and her teenage son who has Autism.

Learning academic terms and researching was challenging for Alison who also navigated anxiety and low self-confidence. Despite the challenges, Alison stayed committed to her goals and has recently completed her studies. She is looking forward to establishing her career as an enrolled nurse, while working towards becoming a registered nurse. Her long term goal is to become a diabetes educator and to use her skills and knowledge to give back to her mob. 

View video story here.

Inspirational Student of the Year:

Angus Cooper

Angus grew up around trucks and has always loved them. 

Having struggled at school, Angus decided to look for work at the end of Year 9 and gained employment as an apprentice training in the Certificate III in Heavy Commercial Vehicle Mechanical Technology (AUR31120) at Kangan Institute. 

Angus has worked hard to pursue the reading and writing component of his training by seeking knowledge from service books, teachers and employer. He loves what he is doing now and is working to become fully qualified.

View video story here.


Inclusivity and Accessibility Award:

Nathan Meyers

Having always loved children, Nathan enrolled in the Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care (CHC30121) so that he could pursue a future in the industry.

Nathan has Asperger’s, which meant that he needed to work extra hard to comprehend course information and complete assessments. Committed to his goal, Nathan actively sought clarification and help from his teachers and support worker to stay on track with his studies.

His hard work has now paid off, with Nathan offered a job at the childcare centre where he completed his work placement. 

View video story here

Full List Of Awards And Sponsors:



Automotive Pre-Apprentice of the Year Award

Sponsor: Albert Park Rotary Club

Monique Kolyvas

Automotive Apprentice Rising Star: Auto Body

Sponsor: Saint-Gobain

Alastaire La Sala

Automotive Apprentice of the Year: School Based

Sponsor: Century Yuasa Batteries

Joachim Lopez-Valoa


Automotive Apprentice of the Year: Agricultural

Sponsor: AGCO Australia

Daniel Hinds


Automotive Apprentice of the Year: Automotive Parts Interpreting

Sponsor: mycar Tyre & Auto

Joshua Tabone


Automotive Apprentice of the Year: Outdoor Power Equipment

Sponsor: Briggs and Stratton Australia

Benjamin Webb


Automotive Apprentice of the Year: Automotive Electrical

Sponsor: NAPA Auto Parts

Noah Farrugia


Automotive Electrical Achievement Award

Sponsor: Training Systems Australia

Adrian Ferluga

Automotive Apprentice of the Year: Motorcycle

Sponsor: Peter Stevens Motorcycles

Tom Saxon

Automotive Apprentice of the Year: Automotive Refinishing Technology

Sponsor: PPG Industries

Kristian Bombaci


Automotive Apprentice of the Year: Automotive Body Repair

Sponsor: 3M

Jack Henry

Automotive Apprentice of the Year: Lionel Gell School of Instruction Award in Automotive

Sponsor: Sir Henry Royce Foundation

Jackson Marriott

Automotive Apprentice of the Year: Light Vehicle (Key Client)

Sponsor: SP Tools

Mattaniah Richard Popovic

Automotive Apprentice of the Year: Heavy Vehicle (Bus)

Sponsor: Truckline

Maninder Josan


Automotive Apprentice of the Year: Heavy Vehicle (Key Client)

Sponsor: Westar Trucks

Sean Patton

The Lindsay Fox Heavy Vehicle Technician Excellence Award

Sponsor: Kangan Institute

Paris Maw


Automotive Apprentice of the Year: Light Vehicle

Sponsor: Gates Australia

Ryan Chappell

Automotive Apprentice of the Year: Marine Technology

Sponsor: Mercury Marine

Steven Foullas

Automotive Apprentice of the Year: Automotive Body Repair (Key Client)

Sponsor: Sheen Group

Matthew Altimari


Automotive Apprentice of the Year: Automotive Refinishing Technology  (Key Client)

Sponsor: Sheen Group

Justin Macgill

Automotive Apprentice of the Year: Heavy Vehicle

Sponsor: Viva Energy Shell Rimula

Jackson Marriott

Automotive Apprentice of the Year: Mobile Plant
Sponsor: William Adams
Coady Gorringe

A.R. (Dick) Jackson Award
Sponsor: Rotary Club of Coburg

Eamon Connor

Alice Anderson Award

Sponsor: Tradeswomen Australia

Thao Hong Thi Nguyen


Student of the Year: Motorsport

Sponsor: Walkinshaw Andretti United

Sylvester Tan


Inspirational Student of the Year: Automotive

Sponsor: WPC Group

Al Gonzalez

Sir Henry Royce Foundation Award for Excellence

Sponsor: Sir Henry Royce Foundation

Deakin Fegan



VETDSS Student of the Year: Carpentry

Sponsor: FXD

Leigh Cooke


VETDSS Student of the Year: Electrical

Sponsor: Middy’s Thomastown

Cooper Sirianni


VETDSS Student of the Year: Engineering

Sponsor: Rotary Club of Essendon

Anas Babaei


VETDSS Student of the Year: Plumbing

Sponsor: Gearwrench

Aaron Craker


VETDSS Student of the Year

Sponsor: Milwaukee Tools

Leigh Cooke


Pre-Apprentice of the Year: Carpentry

Sponsor: Elwood Workwear

Mackenzie Best

Pre-Apprentice of the Year: Electrical

Sponsor: Total Tools Bendigo

Simon Freeman

Pre-Apprentice of the Year: Engineering

Sponsor: Flexovit

Anthony Edwards

Pre-Apprentice of the Year: Plumbing

Sponsor: Reece Plumbing

Jack Skidmore

Pre-Apprentice of the Year: Construction and Industrial

Sponsor: Crescent Tools

Mackenzie Best


Outstanding Certificate III in Wall and Floor Tiling

Sponsor: Crescent Tools

Marco Gangi


Outstanding Certificate III in Solid Plastering

Sponsor: Crescent Tools

Yakoub Taishouri


Outstanding Certificate III in Concreting

Sponsor: Apex Tools

Bradley Pais


Outstanding Certificate III in Construction Waterproofing

Sponsor: Milwaukee Tools

Steven Hanna


Female Apprentice of the Year

Sponsor: Sheforce

Bonnie Pearson

Outstanding Workplace Based Student

Sponsor: McKay Training

Steven Hanna


Outstanding Certificate IV in Engineering

Sponsor: Gearwrench

James Jewell 


Outstanding Certificate IV in Building and Construction

Sponsor: Crescent Tools

Bianca Foon


Student of the Year: Diploma of Building and Construction

Sponsor: Master Builders Victoria Foundation

Peter Trimbel



Outstanding Certificate III in Barbering

Sponsor: Kings Domain

Julia Callaso


Inspirational Student of the Year: Professional

Sponsor: Kangan Institute

Cheryl East



Apprentice of the Year: Barbering (In Salon)

Sponsor: Excellent Edges

Samson Ballard


Apprentice of the Year: Bricklaying/Blocklaying

Sponsor: Australian Brick and Block Training Foundation (ABBTF)

Thomas Cumbo


Apprentice of the Year: Construction

Sponsor: Milwaukee Tools

Bonnie Pearson


Apprentice of the Year: Construction and Industrial

Sponsor: Gearwrench

James Molini


Apprentice of the Year: Electrical

Sponsor: Energy Safe Victoria

James Marley


Apprentice of the Year: Engineering (Mechanical)

Sponsor: Hare and Forbes

Connal Schurmann


Apprentice of the Year: Engineering

Sponsor: Ai Group

James Molini


Apprentice of the Year: Barbering

Sponsor: Pivot Point

Sean Andrews


Apprentice of the Year: Hairdressing

Sponsor: Excellent Edges

Josephine Gullan


Apprentice of the Year: Hairdressing (In Salon)

Sponsor: Haircare Australia

Sarah Purcell


Apprentice of the Year: Landscape Construction

Sponsor: Landscaping Victoria

Brock Chircop


Apprentice of the Year:  Wall and Ceiling Lining

Sponsor: Flexovit

Daniel Butera


Apprentice of the Year:  Wall and Floor Tiling

Sponsor: Apex Tools
Jordan Mirabelli



Student of the Year: Bakery     

Sponsor: Lombard

Jamal Falah


Student of the Year: Beauty Therapy        

Sponsors: Algologie, Dermalogica, Lycon

Belinda Zuccolo


Student of the Year: Community

Sponsor: Link Community Transport

Wanda Sheppard


Student of the Year: Fashion (Diploma of Fashion)

Sponsor: M.Recht Accessories

Asher Blackburn


Student of the Year: Fashion (Advanced Diploma of Fashion)

Sponsor: Australian Fashion Council

Aaron Costa


Student of the Year:  Food Processing

Sponsor: HPA

Timothy Hiscox


Student of the Year: Health

Sponsor: NorthLink

Ross Lowe


Student of the Year: Horticulture

Sponsor: Nursery and Garden Industry Victoria

Liam Perry


Student of the Year: Millinery

Sponsors: Millinery Association of Australia, Hat Blocks Australia

Sarah Mensforth


Student of the Year:  Oasis Horticulture

Sponsor: Oasis Horticulture

Nicole Rose


Student of the Year: Veterinary Nursing

Sponsor: ZebraVet

Amy Addison



Student of the Year                 

Sponsor: Department of the Future

Wanda Sheppard


Apprentice of the Year                

Sponsor: Apprenticeship Employment Network    

Sarah Purcell


Uncle Norm Hunter Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student of the Year

Sponsor: Kinaway Chamber of Commerce

Alison Hafner


Inspirational Student of the Year

Sponsor: Rotary Club of Essendon

Angus Cooper


Inclusivity and Accessibility Award

Sponsor: Precision Group

Nathan Meyers




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