Kangan Institute Blog

5 Tips for Getting a Career in Construction

The construction industry is one of the biggest and fastest growing sectors in Australia, it represents a vast and multidisciplinary field, requiring unity between laborers, skilled trades people, project managers, engineers, architects, designers and many others. As the property market is also very active at the moment, job prospects are good and will continue to rise.

If you are interested in securing a job working in construction but do not know too much about the industry, here are our top five tips for getting a career in construction. This will help to open your eyes to the real world of construction and help you to prepare yourself for your chosen career path.

1. Getting Certified

Working in the construction industry is a skilled occupation, and you will almost always need some form of certification to acquire a job. Qualifications can differ depending on how you can get into the industry, however all of the qualifications available will include onsite training. The most common ways people enter this industry is through apprenticeships and graduate jobs, here at Kangan Institute we offer the Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building) (CPC40120). This is designed for those seeking to become registered as a domestic builder in Victoria. Traineeships re designed for team leaders, front line managers and professionals in the construction industry.

Students will study construction details building codes and standards, costing, structural principles, management services, becoming OHS certified and many other related components within the construction industry. Gaining these kind of qualifications is where the initial learning and skill development will take place. Trained professionals will work with you in various construction fields and have the opportunity to learn vast amounts which can act as the foundations to your career.

2. Choose Your Trade

Within the construction industry there are multiple trades to choose from. When deciding which career path you believe you will excel in, remember the importance of choosing the work that you believe you would be able to carry out and continue to enjoy. It may help to consider your potential long term prospects and also the average hours of work you may be required to do. For instance, if you chosen trade on average only works a week of ten hours, perhaps you should look into an additional job to have on the side.

Trades can vary between roofing, plumbing, welding, bricklaying, tiling, carpentry along with many others. From these skilled trades to 3D software modellers and project managers there are variety of career within the industry. If you are unsure which trade will suit you best, look into doing work experience where you can try out numerous different trades.

3. Take Notice of Directions

When given directions by someone, remember it is usually in your best interest so make sure you listen and take notice as well as ask any questions if you are unsure what is being expected of you. This direction may be given because of a safety precaution or because it is the most efficient way to carry out a piece of work. If you ignore specific instructions and continue to do the task your own way, you could potentially put yourself and the rest of your team in danger. If you believe there could be a better way to complete a task, ask those in charge and offer your advice, after all we all learn something new everyday. Asking questions to validate and better your understandings is crucial, you are there to learn, so make best use of the professionals you have surrounding you.

4. Keep a Positive Attitude

Along with any career path you choose, upholding a positive attitude around employees will definitely work to your advantage. Character traits such as flexibility and punctuality are vital for your future prospects. If you were turn up late when working in the construction industry this would not be received well. Many of the safety trainings are usually held at the beginning of the day and if you do not attend you may be sent straight home.

Working within this industry will usually mean you will often be changing locations and learning other specific trades may be required. By displaying a flexible attitude will ensure you are kept on until the completion on the job and gives you a higher chance of being used for future work with the same project managers. When working in the construction industry you need to build up a reputable reputation. Deliver when you will say you will deliver and if not ask for help and raise any issues.

5. Network with Professionals

One of the easiest ways to find out the jobs that are available to you in your city or state is to get in touch with the employers themselves. If you are able to initiate a strong professional relationship with businesses, there is a chance you could even be given early notification of any upcoming job postings which can give you that much sought after inside edge during recruitments. There are many ways you can connect with employers, including reaching out directly and independently, contacting an official construction association, attending industry events or engaging with the services of a recruitment agency. However you may decide to approach networking, the key is to present yourself in a professional, friendly and approachable manner to make the best possible lasting impression.

Construction can be one of the most rewarding careers as you are able to see the immediate, positive results of your work. By following these five tips for success in the construction industry, you’ll find great career opportunities in building and construction and have lots of enjoyment in the process. With little planning and lots of motivation, you can reach your goals and ultimately construct the life you want.

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