Thursday, 24th October

4.00pm - 6.30pm


Kangan Institute’s Broadmeadows campus is your local TAFE supporting students and business in the local area.

Featuring simulated labs, modern classrooms, workshop and training centres to give you the hands on experience to get you started.



    Our training centres provide state-of-the-art facilities and equipment to students.

      Trades & Skills Centre

      Thsi amazing $6.8 million purpose-built training centre gives building trades students the chance to work with thelatest tolls and equipment.

      Veterinary Training Clinic

      Designed to reflect a vet clinic to allow students to study on real-life equipment and apply training.

      Richard's Restuarant

      Our fully licensed training restuarant provides studnts real work experience while they study.

      Skills and Jobs Centre

      Offering free and independent career and trainign advice to enter the workforce, start training, re-skill or assist employers with workforce needs.

      Indigenous Education Centre

      An innovative environment that fosters Indigenous learning, while supporting indigenous students to study and train in a wide range of courses across the institute.


      Health and Community Centre of Excellence

      Partnering with industry, this $60m innovative, flexible and sustainable centre will be the benchmark for vocational health education in Victoria.

      Register Now

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