
Awards Galore for Student Bakers - News | Kangan Institute

Congratulations to six retail baking students at Kangan Institute, who clinched awards across multiple categories at the Baking Association of Australia’s Geelong Baking Show last week.

Nalie Dib

  • 1st place for Gateau
  • 1st place for Custard Tarts
  • 3rd place for Fruit Flan

Raeda Sera

  • 1st place for Assorted Danish Pastries
  • 2nd place for Traditional Croissants
  • 3rd place for 680-gram White Hi Top Half Married Loaf

Said Somo

  • 2nd place for Assorted Danish Pastries
  • 3rd place for 450-gram White Vienna Baked on a Tray
  • 3rd place for Traditional Croissants

Sarah Mason

  • 3rd place for Gateau

Shamsa Almas

  • 3rd place for 680-gram Wholemeal Loaf Upright

Huda Abushwima

  • 3rd place for Gourmet Pull Apart Loaf

Hosted on 4 July, the show involved competitors from Victorian bakeries and educational institutions coming together to showcase their bread, cake and pastry making prowess. Nine TAFE students completing the Certificate III in Retail Baking (FDF30710) represented Kangan Institute.  

Nalie Dib, 35, says her success has validated her hard work and reinforced her goals for the future. 

“I put in a lot of practice to get the cakes right, both at home and at TAFE. The good feedback from the judges really gave me confidence boost,” said the mother-of-three who decided to pursue retail baking after a brief stint in hairdressing.

“Baking was always something I wanted to do and I’m really happy with the course at Kangan Institute. It’s a great working environment and teachers are always ready to help if I have questions.

“I feel confident about my future. I hope to run my own business from home and this award will help my future business stand out.”

With three awards under her belt, Raeda Sera also views this success as a stepping stone for a better future. Originally from Iraq, the 50-year-old moved to Australia as a refugee last year and hopes to find employment as a baker. 

“I’m really happy to win this award. I love baking and this shows that I did a good job,” she said.

“I’m enjoying my studies at Kangan Institute. It’s giving me more skills and I know looking for a job will be easier.”

Kangan Institute’s retail baking students are regularly encouraged to participate in competitions that allow them to test their skills, showcase abilities and network with industry.

“Our retail baking students have many opportunities to shine at competitions. They are excellent avenues for our students to apply their skills, gain hands-on experience, meet potential employers and add to their resumes,” said Kangan Institute CEO Trevor Schwenke.   

“We are so proud of the students who participated at the Geelong Baking Show and congratulate them on a job well done.”

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