
Cut out for success

It takes a very special level of determination, skills and support to break into the competitive world of fashion hairdressing.

For Sarah Purcell, that’s helped her become who she is today – a senior colourist and stylist at the award-winning Joey Scandizzo Salon with a growing track record in styling at major events across Australia.  

Growing up in Portland, Sarah knew she wanted a hands-on career. A work experience stint at a local salon in Year 10 introduced her to the world of hairdressing and led her to finding a role as an apprentice hairdresser.

“I loved the atmosphere and watching people walk out of the salon feeling fresh and beautiful, which sparked my passion in the industry,” she said.

As her apprenticeship advanced, Sarah’s ambitions began to grow in a new direction.

“I was particularly interested in creative colouring and styling for fashion but found that I had limited exposure to this in a small country town,” Sarah shared.

“In my third year, I decided to make a move and apply for an apprentice position at the award-winning Joey Scandizzo Salon in Melbourne to gain greater exposure and learn from industry experts known for their work with major events like Melbourne Fashion Week and the Logies.”

The move was challenging on various fronts. For one, moving away from home meant greater living expenses and navigating life on a new budget.

But perhaps more pertinent for Sarah was figuring out how to catch up on the skills critical to succeeding in her new role.

A curated approach to apprenticeship training with Joey Scandizzo Salon and its training provider of choice, Kangan Institute, was her answer.

(Hairdressing apprentice Sarah Purcell)

Having worked together since 2017, the salon and TAFE collaborate to provide on-the-job training and assessment for every apprentice that comes through the salon.

Training is personalised and flexible, supporting each apprentice at their own pace according to the needs of the salon.

For Sarah, having experienced managers who observed her work daily and helped her improve, along with TAFE educators who supported her with underpinning knowledge, helped her new career direction on track.

“Kangan Institute and Joey offers a seamless training program for their apprentices,” Sarah said.

“For instance, I learnt a new method of foil sectioning from my mentor at Joey Scandizzo, which wasn’t a skill I had back in Portland. Now I’m able to perform this on every client I have with no trouble.

“Supportive educators and mentors during my apprenticeship at Joey Scandizzo Salon and Kangan Institute supported me with my transition from Portland and helped me improve my skills so I’m now a highly skilled, confident colourist and stylist.”

No stranger to good-old-fashioned hard work, Sarah also put in hours of personal practice to perfect her skills.

“High-end blow-drying was a technique I also had to learn and it took me a while to get it right. I filmed my bosses doing it and practiced after hours. I asked my bosses for more models and personally recruited models through social media for practice in the salon,” Sarah said.

Her efforts paid off, with Sarah graduating from her studies as Kangan Institute’s Apprentice of the Year. Currently leading other apprentices at the salon, the 21-year-old is building her expertise in runway and red-carpet styling.

“A major thing gained from my apprenticeship is confidence to pursue new experiences to strengthen my knowledge. For many years, I didn’t dare to venture beyond my comfort zone to learn new skills in a different city,” Sarah said.

“Now, I regularly volunteer my styling skills at national and state fashion events and award ceremonies, and I’ve personally and successfully styled five clients for runway.”

The world’s her oyster and Sarah has set her sights high.

“When I first started my apprenticeship, my goal was to work amongst international hairdressers at New York Fashion Week. I now have confidence to apply for this opportunity and hopeful to attend in 2024,” Sarah said.

“I plan to work my way up to the highest level of Creative Director, where I will be able to lead the styles of celebrities on fashion runways.”

Joey Scandizzo Salon Director Joseph Semaan said Sarah has proven to be an asset to the salon.

“Since making the bold move from her hometown to further her career in Melbourne, Sarah has proven to be an asset to our business,” Joseph said.

“She has not had it all her own way, from the start there have been many professional challenges for Sarah, and she has met these challenges head on, showing a willingness to leap out of her comfort zone and be the best hairdresser she can possibly be.

“Sarah’s career at Joey Scandizzo Salon is still in its infancy, but in the short time she has been with us, she has shown great improvement and development and with the continuance of her strong work ethic we only expect her growth to continue on to bigger and brighter things.”

Joseph emphasised the important role of education in developing future industry leaders.

“Sarah is a prime example of how high-level vocational training and education, particularly on the job, can help instill the necessary skills in young people and set them up to be strong leaders within industry,” Joseph said.

“Our valuable relationship with Kangan Institute has provided us with the resources and flexibility necessary to deliver the high-level training that our business and staff require.”

Kangan Institute CEO Sally Curtain said industry partnerships are a vital factor in skilling workforces.

“Sarah’s success is testament to the importance of our partnership with Joey Scandizzo Salon, which is one of Australia’s most well-known and prestigious salons,” Sally said.

“We are strongly aligned in our commitment to train future hairdressers to reach their fullest potential.

“It’s collaborations with industry leaders like Joey Scandizzo that help to ensure the workforce of the future gets the best training possible.”

Along with the rest of the nation, Kangan Institute is celebrating the specialist skills of its students during National Skills Week from 21 August – 27 August 2023. Now in its thirteenth year, the week celebrates the talents, the skills, the career pathways and the value of apprentices and trainees across Australia.

Find out more about hairdressing courses at Kangan Institute here.

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