
Kangan Institute launches new solar training facility

On Thursday 4th October 2012 the Built and Natural Environments department launched the brand new solar training facility at Kangan Institute's Broadmeadows campus (Building E).

This state-of-the-art facility will assist to deliver modern up-to-date training on solar installation training for Melbourne's North West corridor.

With the world focused on environmental sustainability and clean energy, there was no better time to offer our students the option of learning the skills to work and install the latest solar equipment.

The facility consists of roof mounted solar panel arrays including four 1.5 kilowatt systems positioned at different angles to north, to show the effect the sun's location can have on the output of a system.

One of the systems can simulate the effect of shading from other buildings using remotely controlled blinds while another simulates the effect of litter or shading (i.e. from overhead branches).

The system can be controlled from the classroom in Building E and monitored using the roof mounted camera system with360 degree tilt. Students can see, measure and record the results.

Kangan Institute CEO Ray Griffiths was delighted to help launch the facility on a fitting sunny day. "Australia led the way in 2011 with the most household solar panel system installations in the world," he said.

"There's clearly a surging demand for expertise in solar installation, and it's imperative that Kangan Institute, as one of Victoria's largest training providers, plays a role in helping to build a skilled workforce to meet this need."

As Kangan Institute is an environmentally conscious organisation, it was ensured that the system feeds energy back to the grid when not used for training.

The system was installed by the experts at Smarter Green who use the very latest in state-of-the-art solar technology.

Guests observing a separate standalone unit outside of Building E which can be angled towards the sun. A separate standalone unit was also built and consists of a 1 kilowatt system that can be moved to the optimum position wherever the sun may be positioned.

This system feeds a set of batteries that are then connected to an inverter to produce AC.

Teachers Roger Wells and Ken Stephenson played pivotal roles in bringing this facility to Kangan Institute. Kangan Institute will soon roll out the Certificate IV in Renewable Energy as part of its profile course programs. If you'd like more information please call us on 13 TAFE (13 8233).

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