Kangan Institute Blog

How to Prepare a Master Resume

To survive in the crowded job market, you obviously need to create a killer master resume. However, many people are unaware of what a master resume is, and how much time it could save them when applying for jobs. When people look for jobs, chances are that they send the same documents for each and every job application, which is not good when seeking employment. Employers are looking for someone that stands out and sending generic information that is not tailored to the job on offer means that you’re less likely to get a second look. A master resume is a document that contains all your skills, educational qualifications, projects and experiences in one place. The document can range from four to 20 pages depending on individual persons and can be used to create multiple tailored resumes that will be more directed and the specific position in question. Let it be clear that a master resume is not to send to a potential employer; it just lists all your details in one place. Our core aim is to analyse and explain how to prepare a master resume. However, you first need to know how to prepare a master resume.

The advantages of having a master resume
A master resume acts as a reference when you are creating a resume to seek different job positions. Many people make a grave mistake by sending similar resumes to different companies. Statistically, their chances of an appointment for an interview are very low. Creating a master resume saves time and also saves you the hassle of having to remember all the details you need when applying for a particular job. By learning how to create a master resume, you can gain an advantage of whether your career is moving the right way or if you need to do anything else to push yourself up the career ladder. It can also ensure you’re more organised, and this will reflect well in the tailored resumes you send to potential employers.

How to prepare your master resume
There are various steps you need to take when preparing a master resume and we’ve listed the most important ones here.

1. Dedicate your time to the project
The project of writing a master resume can range from two to twenty hours, depending on the amount of experience you have. It seems like a great deal of time but it pays off in the end.

2. Assemble all the resumes you’ve ever done
Unlike the conventional resume that only goes up to a maximum of two to three pages, your mission here is to get everything in one template. Doing this, you will be digging for information about your descriptions and job details. Of course, you may know all that off the top of your head. So why look for them? The point here is you will be able to remember some of the important details such as skills and qualifications, possessing a positive potential to land you an excellent job. However, you may have forgotten some of your earlier experiences, and reading through your old resumes may bring back some other skills you had forgotten about.

3. Take a scope of your career
Have you ever successfully participated in anything that was successful? These are the questions that you will ask yourself and then answer. Take note of all the positions you have held and the skills you have acquired in the process. The information is vital for your master resume. Later on when you are writing a resume, you can use those experiences you’ve had in the past that relate to the job you’re applying for.

4. Inspect your life apart from your career
Did you know that employers also look at what you can do to give back to society? They also make judgements on whether your personality is a good fit for their brand. If you got a certificate through a charity walk or are a keen reader, make sure you list it too. Retrieving the skills and hobbies that make you a whole person, not just a worker, will put some personality into your resume and this will serve you well when applying for jobs.

5. Involve your friends, bosses and even co-workers
Let them tell you what they know about you. Get to know how they rate you in skill and qualifications. Asking them what they think of you is a great way to learn how potential employers will see you. This will help when creating a list of personality traits that make you employable.

Whilst Writing
The information you include on your master resume is essential to being able to take the parts that relate to certain jobs and use them to create a resume specific to each job to apply for. Therefore, taking the time to create something that is full of information and split into sections will give you the best chance of getting that new job.

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