As a student:
If you do not have any COVID-19 related symptoms, it is recommended that you use a daily rapid antigen test for 5 days. You can come to TAFE during this time if the result is negative. If you don’t have symptoms and cannot access a rapid antigen test, then monitor for symptoms and get tested if symptoms emerge.
If you are symptomatic, you must use a rapid antigen test, or get a PCR test if you can’t access a rapid antigen test. COVID-19 symptoms include fever, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath and loss or change in sense of smell or taste. For more information on symptoms, please visit:
If you have had COVID-19 already in the last 12 weeks:
After recovering from COVID-19, you are not required to get tested or quarantine if you are re-exposed to a case within 12 weeks of ending your isolation period.
Please do not come to TAFE while you are symptomatic or until you have a negative test result.
Further useful information can be found here:
If you need further support, Student Services are available via:
Phone: 03 9279 2511
Text Message: 0468 573 411 (Student Support Kangan)
WhatsApp: 0468 573 411 (Student Support Kangan)
As an employee:
If you are symptomatic, you must use a rapid antigen test (RAT), or get a PCR test if you can’t access a RAT. COVID-19 symptoms include fever, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath and loss or change in sense of smell or taste. Please note you should not be attending campus while you are waiting on your test result.
If you do not have any COVID-19 related symptoms, it is recommended that you use a daily rapid antigen test (RAT) for 5 days. You can come to work during this time if the result is negative. If you don’t have symptoms and cannot access a rapid antigen test, then monitor for symptoms and get tested if symptoms emerge. You do not need to notify us of a negative result.
If you have had COVID-19 already in the last 12 weeks:
After recovering from COVID-19, you are not required to get tested or quarantine if you are re-exposed to a case within 12 weeks of ending your isolation period.
Please do not come to work if you are symptomatic.
Further useful information can be found here:
The health, safety and wellbeing of our staff and students is our key priority. If you need support, please contact the Employee Assistance Program – details can be found here on the Intranet.
Stay Safe!